Saturday, April 3, 2010

My 20th Birthday~

Yeap, a day after April Fool is the day when I came to this world~~

Even though I've not been looking forward to it... this year, I had my happiest birthday celebration :)

Steph, Pauline, Char, Lenne, Chloe, JJ, Link.. I LOVE THE HEAVEN OUTTA YOU GUYS!!!! XD

These people... gave me the best celebration ever! They came over to my house, went for Chicken Clay-pot/Steamboat, back to my house sing/yell, played PS2, went Temptation for dinner, then..... a 'surprise' I will say, haha.

I got 'prank', chicken dance, so-called "Pauline's friend", a Golden deck of cards, and a Superman T-shirt, LOL! Well I love the cards most, even though it's the cheapest (Stephanie, 2010) among all the 3 gifts~ The Marilyn Monroe is simply..... well, it made me speechless, stone giler, lol.. and the T-shirt is like friggin sexy(don't u guys know my size?). Oh btw Lenne, you better don't mess with me since I'm holding your secret, ngek ngek ngek~~

Special thanks to Pauline who drove here and there just to make it for my celebration! I know it's damn ma fan lolz. And Steph, thanks for swallowing the damn huge piece of cake! Can't believe you actually put it into your tiny stomach after the heavy dinner at Temptation~ x)

Well, we had so much fun and it's kinda hard to explain everything without our pics/videos... STEPH & CHLOE!!! Do your work!!! I'm so gonna write another post when I have those pictures with me alright?

Now, thanks(again) for those who wishes me... OH YEA! speaking of this, yesterday after they went home I wanted to write a blog before 12am(it was 11 something), who knows when I open my Facebook-- 39 notification + coming & coming & coming.... OMG! I replied every single post, 1 by 1, but it just keep coming! ><"

Then... someone whom I hold very dear spam my wall post!!! 17 posts in 1 shot! xD
and she actually stay up to 11.59pm just to wish me another "Happy Birthday"! Thanks my sweet lil' Angel :)
I know you're unhappy recently, sorry that I couldn't really make you smile..  :(

Lastly, sorry for those whom I 'somehow' forgotten to invite to join us for the half day trip! ><"
I know you guys won't blame me right? :)))

Sorry~~~ ><"


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