Wednesday, May 26, 2010




哈哈, 好久没在这里写这种东西了~



最近很容易累,可能是因为常不定时睡觉吧? 再加上白天通常都有一大堆东西要做,而晚上则静下来时,却任由思潮起伏……




发现,自己真的变了。从前的我,无法独自承受任何的不开心。每当不愉快的事情发生了,就必需要有人分担…… 而现在,却宁愿把许多东西往自己肚里吞了算。说到这,还得向许多人道谢呢~~

现在身处日本的 ‘面包’,谢谢你常常听我诉苦…… 几乎每次都是我在说,而你在听~谢谢,麻烦你了。直到现在,还常通过视频当我的‘垃圾桶’呢!哈哈~ 希望你一切顺利~ 感情上,学业上,什么都好!

老姐~ 谢谢你常为我分担难过,且给与我安慰,还介绍朋友给我认识,让我能和你们混在一起,忘了许多伤心的事…… 愿你能和你的那块‘木头’白头偕老~ 哈哈!

还有就是在怡保的‘衰女包’,谢谢你在我‘复原’的过程中陪伴我,让我度过了一段非常难忘开心的日子…… 希望你的感情问题能尽早解决、考试能顺顺利利!


最后,还有……‘你’。谢谢你陪伴我的那段日子…… 不想提太多,也并不奢望你的原谅/体谅,但衷心希望你的那个他能把你照顾好,给予我无法满足的一切…… 祝你幸福、快乐。

呼~ 累了,该睡咯~ 待会儿还得当闹钟呢~ 哈哈!


Friday, May 21, 2010


This is what happen when the students who are persuading Bachelor of Business & Commerce are overwhelmed with their assignments:

Lenne Espressimo- THANK YOU Stephanie Yap!! YOU SAVED ME FROM THE PIT!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!
stupid pdf that corrupted my pc. BUCK YOU PDF!! GO FTW YOU PDF!! YEAH! LIKE... face the wall..

Stephanie Yap
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! chicken thigh 
Ang Joonkie
whoa whoa.. what happened to ur assignment?
Lenne Espressimo-
1.0 Introduction
ill give you chicken tigh espressso.

2.1 Impact of external environment towards mental uncertainties.
my assignment boomed. my usb corrupted. my hard drive corrupted. my graphic card corrupted. my external hard drive full of languages only blardtards could understand. my modem auto shut down.

2.2 Redo Assignment
yesterday 4 am i redid my assignment. adrenaline rushed. like now even its only comment section under facebook. i'm typing like how i'm having sex with my MGW1010-Assignment2(draft 12e).doc

2.2.1 Adrenaline Rushes
well, i guess the adrenaline is still with me. i need some ramly burger. ramly burger is a type of burger, produced by ramly. ramly burger consists of burger bread, and a piece of shit that looks like meat. Besides, you can include vegetables, onions, cheese, lizards, or you can splat tomato sauce like how you eat kimbab. btw kimbab is good for health. eating kimbab is advantageous because it gives you energy. no energy, no gain.

2.2.2 The K-burger
as you can see, this is how we link kimbab and ramly burger together. However, i wanted to emphasize that the owner of ramly burger, Ramly, has been working on how to make kimbab a more delicious food in global. they had already researched about a new food called kimbabry burger. kimbabry burger is always delicious when eating because it is made of pork.

2.3 Movies I watch
The recent movie that i watched is spiderman. Spiderman is the best super hero for me. unlike superman. superman is a sissy. basically, superman becomes chickenman whenever he sees kryptonite. nobody cares about superman. all you do is spray him some krpytonite pee and he melts.

2.4 About Myself
Next, i would like to talk about myself. i am Harry Potter. well, people asked why the chicken cross the road? cz the chicken has wings. as for me, why did Dark Lord cross the road? Because Potter couldn't stop him. Anyway, i also love eating raw eggs. it's good for health. now it's almost 9. i am trying to..

2.4.1 What I'm Thinking in the middle of Assignment
Ahh.. i better stop my shits and quickly finish this report.

2.4.2 Continue from 2.4
I am trying to search for stuffs in youtube. however, i am very hungry.

2.5 Conclusion
To conclude. i am very hungry now. therefore, the 5 recommendations i suggest to myself is

2.6 Recommendations
- suit up
- utlize feedforward by preparing some money
- head for ramly burger with full speed to avoid wasting energy resources. in the meantime utilizing concurrent control to observe how far is my destination so i can correct actions by speeding up or slowing down.
- fully utilize selection process under HRM whereby you only select the prettiest and sexiest burger. order the burger. and pay for it
- enjoy the burger. utilize the whole control. prevent saliva from drooling when eating. as this will pull the reputation down when ppl sees me drooling like a blardtard.

Ang Joonkie Comments:
- title, table of content, cover sheet are missing, there is no significant relationship between the elements written. basically, out of topic, or rather no topic at all.

-executive summary is not present, wasted more than 5mins in my life to read this purpose-less report.

- it was quite well written even though it is simply random, until the part about burgers, they're food, and I'm guessing that you wanted to write about your assignment re-do issue.

-Introduction of yourself is off topic; you ain't no Harry Potter, and dark lord is not s'pose to exist in any of the Potter's series.

- recommendations are very interestingly written. management elements are present and well utilized, but lack of supports.

- references are absent. lack of support from any sources, at the same time assumptions are not made to clarify it.

- The rest are total random craps.



Stephanie Yap
i dun even feel like reading it
Stephanie Yap
and jk, you're as bad as lin. so shut up
Ang Joonkie
Steph: your statement is informal, please re-phrase it and support it with Journal articles, since you're criticizing me by referring to Mr. Phang's work (Phang, 2010).
Stephanie Yap
shut up
Lenne Espressimo-
seriously. internet pisses me off!! (Charlene, 2010) sometimes it just gives you things you don't really need. for example.. heart attack? high blood pressure? high glucose pleasure? mental disorder? tsk.. do we need them..? seriously

Ang Joonkie
Steph: I don't even know how to cite that since a lot of people are using it.

Assumption: Assuming that there are majority of the population are using the phrase, "shut up".

Lenne: for good lord's sake, I was wondering about the same damn thing (Phang, 2010)!

Assumption: Assuming that good lord does exist, and that all the illness stated in Phang (2010) will possibly occur.
I don't think anybody will even bother to read it, included myself (not again, at least). However, it might be fun to read it back after 10 years if Blogspot is still alive.

Thank you.

Facebook, (2010)


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Little bit of Updates

Now now, I'd finally learned how to treasure my free time, LOL

Ever since I started Monash Uni, it's like.... BUSY! Thanks to my Uni life + Choir practices + Vocal lessons + LCCI lessons + exercising when I have time.... HOLY COW! I've got no time to think about other stuffs even if I wanted to! Well, at late night perhaps.

Anyways, I'm content... maybe way too 'content'. It's a good thing though; I rarely feel like I'm wasting time anymore. Errr... can't really figure out much to say, nothing's new? Ah... 1 of my dearest friend gotten into relationship already! WOOOHOOOO! When she told me I was likeL:" FINALLY!"  xD

Good for her, wish her all the best! :D

Recently I've started gaming again, yea. "Tales of the Abyss" RAWKS! I know it's an old game, in fact I've completed it once, but due to some reasons I lost the saved data, dammit! Oh well, it's the best of the 'Tales series' in PS 2, and the plot is great! So I can't really complain~

See? Cool? Spot the middle guy with red wrong hair? He sucks, HAHA! He's the main character indeed(the name is Luke), but I don't really like him 'til the later part of the game.

The blond guy on the bottom-right corner, Guy, yea, that's his name, Guy. Errr, I mean, his name is Guy, I'm not lying! He's cool, yeap, throughout the game.

Nothing much about the girls, unless you can't tell that the girl with long hair on the left(Tear) is beautiful(and she has a brilliant voice!) and the girl beside her(Anise) with a doll looks mischievous plus the last one with a Royal dress(Princess Natalia) feels... Royal? lol

Know what's missing? YEA! The blue 'thing' down there(Mieu the Cheagle, it's cute!) and that guy with spec plus a somewhat 'creepy smile'(you'll feel this way too if you've ever played the Abyss), Colonel Jade Curtiss.

Mieu is just somehow a pity pet of Luke, nothing much. Jade... Jade Curtiss, this guy is PRICELESS. His freaking lameness is totally compatible with some of my friends. Thanks to him I enjoy the cut scenes of this game very much, hahahaha......... !

Oh crap, why am I talking about this so much? It wasn't my main intention to write this post! Well, you can see how addicted I am.

Anyways, I'm somehow 'enjoying' my life now, even though sometimes I feel like I needed more space to breathe, but it suits me well-- at least I don't have time to think about something  :)

Guess I'm gonna stop right here, gotta get some food that my mum just made!

Oh yea, Mother's day is near! Have you guys prepare something for the most wonderful & lovely lady in your life? Better do so if you haven't! Without her, you're not even suppose to exist! HAH!

Remember to tell her how much you love her if you didn't do it often~ it's a chance for you to not get embarrass by saying it on this special day! :DDD

Enjoy your life guys!
